
Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • 2005 RN Practice Analysis: NCSBN Executive Summary

    NCSBN performs job (practice) analysis studies every three years. This is an executive summary of the 2005 RN Practice Analysis.

    2005  | Exams Research

  • Report of Findings from the 2005 RN Practice Analysis (Vol. 21)

    The purpose of this practice analysis is to describe and compare the practice characteristics and activities of newly licensed registered nurses (RNs). The empirical findings are used to evaluate the 2007 NCLEX-RN Test Plan (© 2005).

    2005  | Exams Research

  • Focus group on licensed practical nurse scope of practice at NCSBN

    The 歐美口爆 convened a focus group to discuss the findings of the 2003 Licensed Practical Nurse/Vocational Nurse (LPN/VN) practice analysis and to make recommendations to the NCSBN board of directors.

    2005  | Research Item

  • Global initiatives in regulation at NCSBN

    Recognizing the importance of the global perspective in regulation the 歐美口爆 (NCSBN) developed as one of its 6 strategic initiatives the following: “Advance NCSBN as a key partner in nursing and healthcare regulation in the U.S. and internationally.” There are several objectives in place to meet this initiative.

    2005  | Research Item

  • Re-Evaluating the NCLEX-RN Passing Standard

    Reprint from the Journal of Nursing Measurement, 13(2), 2005


    2005  | Publications

  • 2005 NCSBN Annual Report

    This annual report functions as a formal summary of NCSBN’s performance and activities during fiscal year 2005. It also provides financial information, NCLEX pass rates, member achievements, a timeline of NCSBN activities and NCSBN facts.

    2005  | Publications

  • Fall 2005 Leader to Leader

    • Summaries of the NCSBN publications "Clinical Instruction in Preliscensure Nursing Programs;" "Practical Nurse Scope of Practice White Paper" and "Working with Others" are provided
    • Mi Ja Kim of the Academy of International Leadership Development at the University of Illinois, Chicago discusses nurse educators as global leaders

    2005  | Magazines

  • Spring 2005 Leader to Leader

    • Maria A. Connolly of the College of Nursing and Allied Health discusses the use of technology in clinical practice
    • Learn about the new NCSBN Institute of Regulatory Excellence program
    • Iinternational administration of the NCLEX examinations begins in Hong Kong, London and Seoul
    • Read about the revisions to the NCLEX-PN passing standard

    2005  | Magazines

  • Report of Findings from the Practice and Professional Issues Survey (Vol. 15)

    Practice and Professional Issues Surveys are conducted twice a year by NCSBN to collect information from entry-level nurses on specific practice activities and current professional issues.

    2004  | Research Item

  • Report of Findings from the 2003 Employers Survey (Vol. 14)

    NCSBN has collected a wealth of information on a variety of regulatory topics. Prominent among those topics has been the preparation of new nurses for the practice setting and the issues surrounding the appropriate preparation and utilization of assistive personnel. Information has been gleaned on these topics from newly licensed nurses and assistive personnel. This study was designed to obtain the unique perspectives of health care employers on these issues.

    2004  | Research Item

  • Report of Findings from the Practice and Professional Issues Survey (Vol. 12)

    NCSBN has collected a wealth of information on a variety of regulatory topics. Prominent among those topics has been the preparation of new nurses for the practice setting and the issues surrounding the appropriate preparation and utilization of assistive personnel. Information has been gleaned on these topics from newly licensed nurses and assistive personnel. This study was designed to obtain the unique perspectives of health care employers on these issues.

    2004  | Research Item

  • Evidence-based Regulation: A Regulatory Performance Measurement System (Vol. 8)

    This volume describes an outcome-based performance measurement system for state and territorial boards of nursing. (© 2004)

    2004  | Research Item