
Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • The Tri-Regulator Collaborative Position Statement on Interprofessional, Team-based Patient Care

    Tri-Regulator Collaborative express its support for interprofessional collaboration and a team-based approach to patient care.

    2014  | Papers

  • The NCSBN Position Paper on Telehealth Nursing Practice

    In the 1990s the increasing use of telecommunication technology to provide nursing services raised the question whether nursing services delivered through broadband and electronic channels constituted the practice of nursing. NCSBN recognizes nursing practice provided through broadband and electronic channels as the practice of nursing and thus asserts that the regulation of telehealth nursing is appropriately done by boards of nursing.

    2014  | Papers

  • Commitment to Facilitating Interstate Practice

    This is the resolution describing the commitment of NCSBN in facilitating interstate practice which was adopted by the NCSBN Delegate Assembly on Aug. 15, 2014.

    2014  | Papers

  • Regulatory Implications and Recommendations for Distance Education in Prelicensure Nursing Programs

    Regulatory Implications and Recommendations for Distance Education in Prelicensure Nursing Programs." Description: This article provides the background and related literature findings for the recommendations that NCSBN's Distance Learning Education Committee made for prelicensure nursing programs. These recommendations were adopted at NCSBN's 2014 annual meeting. Further, regulator and educator issues are explored. Five regulatory guidelines are explained, and a timeline for BONs meeting these recommendations is described. Citation: Lower, B. & Spector, N. (2014). Regulatory implications and recommendations for distance education in prelicensure nursing programs. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 5(3), 24-33.

    2014  | Papers

  • Long-term Care Conference Monograph

    The Long-term Care Conference monograph includes themes from the discussions, along with brief summaries of published research on each of the major themes. A post-conference survey was sent to all participants six months following the conference to identify any steps taken or changes made as a result of attending the conference. The results of the survey are also presented. The monograph is intended for conference participants, nurses practicing in LTC, nursing home leadership, and organizations/agencies representing nursing homes and nursing home leadership.

    2014  | Papers

  • White Paper: Nursing Regulation Recommendations for Distance Education

    Background and literature review on the regulation of prelicensure distance education programs; regulatory issues; recommendations for BONs; visual model and timeline for adopting the recommendations.

    2014  | Papers

  • NCLEX Examinations: ADA Webinar 

    Join the 歐美口爆 ADA Team to learn more information about the details of the ADA process. 

    2014  | Recorded Webinar

  • 2014 NCLEX-PN Detailed Test Plan - Educator Version

    The NCLEX examination test plan provides a concise summary of the content and scope of the examination. The test plan also serves as a guide for both examination development and candidate preparation. 

    2014  | Publications

  • 2014 Award Recipient - Myra Broadway

    R. Louise McManus Award

    Myra Broadway, JD, MS, RN, Executive Director, Maine Board of Nursing

    The R. Louise McManus Award is the most prestigious award. Individuals nominated for this award shall have made sustained and significant contributions through the highest commitment and dedication to the mission and vision of NCSBN.

    2014  | Video

  • 2012 and 2013 Nurse Licensee Volume and NCLEX Examination Statistics (Vol. 61)

    This annual publication provides national and state summary data of member boards’ licensure activities, as well as data on candidate performance on the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN Examinations.

    2014  | Publications

  • 2014 Award Recipient - Ann L. O'Sullivan

    Exceptional Contribution Award

    Ann L. O'Sullivan, PhD, FAAN, CRNP Board Member, Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing

    The Exceptional Contribution Award is granted for significant contribution by a member who is not a president or executive officer.

    2014  | Video

  • 2014 Award Recipient - Nevada State Board of Nursing

    Regulatory Achievement Award

    Nevada State Board of Nursing 

    The Regulatory Achievement Award recognizes the member board or associate member that has made an identifiable, significant contribution to the mission and vision of NCSBN in promoting public policy related to the safe and effective practice of nursing in the interest of public welfare.

    2014  | Video