
Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • Spring 2014 Leader to Leader

    • Whitney Hunter shares her journey joining the Idaho Board of Nursing as a consumer member in "A Day in the Life of a Nurse Regulator." Learn how Hunter serves as the voice of the public and what a public member’s role is on a board of nursing.
    • The 2014 legislative session is underway and as many as 18 states have introduced bills that would align with at least one element of the APRN Consensus Model. Learn what states are doing to move closer to consensus.
    • To help combat the growing issue of substance use disorder in nursing, NCSBN has released two new Learning Extension courses, a video and two free brochures to provide nurses and nursing students with much needed education on SUD in the workplace.

    2014  | Magazines

  • In Focus Spring 2014

    • April 1, 2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the first NCLEX examination to be administered via computerized adaptive testing (CAT). To celebrate this milestone, we look at the evolution of CAT and follow the NCLEX’s technological journey from paper-and-pencil to a computer-based examination.
    • Mark Majek of the Texas Board of Nursing explains the importance of leaders knowing when to "lead, follow or get out of the way."
    • Two executive officers new to their role reflect on their first NCSBN Midyear Meeting experience.
    • Like any country’s nursing regulation, Canada has its own unique practices, approaches, and legislative and regulatory frameworks. Learn more about nursing regulation in Canada and British Columbia as Cynthia Johansen of the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia discusses nursing regulation from a global perspective.

    2014  | Magazines

  • NCLEX Program Code Enhancement 

    In order to support the expansion of new nursing programs within existing jurisdictions as well as to accommodate the expansion of the NCLEX in Canada, NCSBN is lengthening the NCLEX Educational Program Codes from 5 to 10 characters. This webinar explains the change to the Program Codes and provides key dates. Members can use this information to communicate the change to the program codes to the programs within their jurisdiction. 

    2014  | Recorded Webinar

  • In Focus Winter 2014

    • Learn how the strategic initiatives serve as a roadmap to NCSBN’s success
    • Gloria Damgaard of the South Dakota Board of Nursing reflects on her road to leadership
    • Take an in-depth look at two NCSBN studies and their potential impact on the future of nursing
    • Maura Pidgeon of the Nursing and Midwifery Board Ireland discusses nursing regulation from a global perspective
    • Discover how the NCLEX is avoiding language usage confusion on the exam

    2014  | Magazines

  • NCSBN Program Code Transition 

    To support the expansion of new nursing programs within as the U.S. and to accommodate the addition of the nursing programs in Canada, NCSBN is lengthening the NCLEX education program codes to 10 characters. This video provides an overview of these changes for member boards.

    2014  | Video

  • 2013 NCLEX-RN Test Plan - Basic

    The NCLEX examination test plan provides a concise summary of the content and scope of the examination. The test plan also serves as a guide for both examination development and candidate preparation.

    The 2013 NCLEX-RN Test Plan is effective April 1, 2013.

    *Dans cette publication, le masculin est employé sans préjudice afin d’alléger le texte.

    2013  | Publications

  • Report of Findings from the 2002 Job Analysis of Nurse Aides Employed in Nursing Homes, Home Health Agencies and Hospitals (Vol. 11)

    This study evaluates the validity of the NNAAP blueprint. It provides information on the activities performed by nurse aides employed in nursing homes, home health care agencies and hospitals. (© 2003)

    2013  | Publications

  • Substance Use Disorder in Nursing

    Substance Use Disorder in Nursing tackles one of the most serious problems facing nursing today. The video provides a comprehensive look at the issue of substance use disorder and covers:

    • The facts about substance use disorder
    • Substance use disorder and nurses
    • Identification and reporting
    • Treatment and alternative to discipline programs
    • Recovery and return to practice

    2013  | Video

  • The NCSBN Awards Program: Reflections of Past Recipients 

     In honor and celebration of NCSBN’s 35th Anniversary, videos of past award recipients were recorded to capture NCSBN’s 35 years of recognizing members for excellence in nursing regulation. Recipients share their reflections of what it meant to them and the impact it had on their work in regulation.

    2013  | Video

  • NCLEX Quarterly Reports Webinar 

    This NCLEX Webinar provides an overview of the NCLEX quarterly reports and education program summary, including a demonstration of the differences between reports, methods of report comparison and how to use the dynamic reports to fit specific needs.

    Visit the Quarterly Reports page for more information on the review process.

    For the best viewing experience, view video in full screen.  

    2013  | Recorded Webinar

  • NCLEX Quarterly Reports FAQs 

    This NCLEX Webinar provides an overview of the NCLEX quarterly reports and education program summary, including a demonstration of the differences between reports, methods of report comparison and how to use the dynamic reports to fit specific needs.

    The objectives of this webinar cover the following:

    • Accessing the Reporting Module and Reports
    • Quarterly Reports
    • Education Program Summary
    • Quarterly Report Review Process

    Visit the Quarterly Reports page for more information on the review process. 

    For the best viewing experience, view video in full screen.  

    2013  | Recorded Webinar

  • NCLEX Examinations Webinar Series: NCLEX Item Writing and Item Review

    The Item Writing and Item review Webinar will provide an overview of the Item development process. It explains the processes of item writing and item review used to ensure the validity, reliability and legal defensibility of the NCLEX exam. The session will also discuss and provide a direct link to valuable NCLEX resources, along with a connection to the next segment in the series.

    This webinar is part of the 2013 NCLEX Examinations Webinar Series. This series includes the following webinars:

    • NCLEX Test Plan
    • Scope of Practice, Practice Analysis and Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
    • NCLEX Item Writing and Item Review
    • NCLEX Sensitivity and Differential Item Functioning Review   

    2013  | Recorded Webinar