
Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • Spring 2012 Leader to Leader

    • Shirley Brekken of the Minnesota Board of Nursing provides a glimpse into the busy life of an executive director
    • Learn about NCSBN's social media tools for the nursing community
    • A recap of the World Café Education Meeting
    • Updates regarding the NCSBN Simulation Study and NCSBN Transition to Practice Study
    • “The Unknown Educational Resource: NCSBN Member Board Profiles” introduces readers to a series of documents that provides an overview of the nursing regulatory environment and outlines specific functions of a jurisdiction’s board of nursing

    2012  | Magazines

  • Fall 2012 Leader to Leader

    • Brett Thompson, director, Discipline, Mississippi Board of Nursing, gives readers a glimpse into a day in her life as lead prosecutor of the Mississippi Board of Nursing
    • Learn about the discipline process of boards of nursing
    • Understand the new scoring grid used in the APRN Consensus Model
    • NCSBN Learning Extension shares how it’s expanding its online community
    • Joyce A. Hahn and Patricia F. Davis of the George Washington University School of Nursing provide their expertise on simulation in “Integrating a Peer Review Quality Framework into a Pediatric Virtual Hospital Simulation Experience”

    2012  | Magazines

  • A Review of the Components and Best Practices in Using Electronic Health Records

    The use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) has grown over the past few years and is now seen as an essential part of primary and acute patient care and case management. Boards of Nursing retain responsibility for public safety and need to be aware of current practices, policies and patient safety enhancements with the use of EHRs.

    This engaging program will provide nursing regulatory bodies with:

    • A general understanding of information contained within the EHR,
    • A discussion of the policy implications and patient safety enhancements with the implementation of an EHR and
    • A live demonstration navigating the EHR

    Presenter: Thomas Andrews, RN-BC,MS Director, Acute Care Informatics Presence Health

    For the best viewing experience, view video in full screen.

    2012  | Recorded Webinar

  • New Graduate Transition into Practice: Improving Quality and Safety (Chapter)

    There is evidence linking improved patient care to standardized transition to practice programs in the areas of safety, competence, and retention.  This chapter explores that evidence, presents a standardized model as a solution, and gives examples of transition program models, as well as an overview of NCSBN’s Transition to Practice model.

    2012  | Research Item

  • Analysis of Employed Medication Aides in All Health Care Settings

    This article provides the results of a nonexperimental, descriptive study conducted to explore the frequency and importance of activities performed by certified, entry level MAs. More than 1,800 MAs provided valid responses.

    2012  | Research Item

  • Guidelines for Using Electronic and Social Media: The Regulatory Perspective

    Social media can be a very effective way of communicating in nursing, but guidelines for appropriate use by healthcare providers are essential. This article briefly introduces the phenomenon of social media and introduces three actual scenarios where nurses unintentionally violated appropriate use of social media in healthcare. The scenarios are discussed related to social media, career, concerns, and nursing regulation. Incorporating these and other examples with data from board of nursing cases, the nature of complaints against nurses is explored as well as common myths and misunderstandings about using social media platforms. Guidelines for appropriate use by nurses and available resources to inform policy are highlighted. Next steps in social media in nursing should include development of organizational level policies and educational programs on the use of social media.

    2012  | Research Item

  • What Nurse Educators Should Consider When Developing Social Media Policies

    Social media offers many opportunities to promote student engagement and interactivity; however, student nurses must be instructed in the appropriate use of this tool.  It is important for nursing programs to develop sound policies related to social media.  This article suggests social media policy guidelines and presents several tools for nurse educators to utilize while implementing their own policies.

    2012  | Research Item

  • An Alternative Method of Transitioning Into Practice: A Non-Employee Based Program

    In this article a program that takes an innovative, alternative approach to transitioning RNs into practice developed and implemented by nurse leaders in the Memorial Hermann Healthcare System in Houston, Texas, is described and discussed.

    2012  | Research Item

  • Practice Support Initiatives That Contribute to the Regulation of RNs and NPs

    In British Columbia, the regulatory body recognizes that providing support so nurses can meet the Standards of Practice helps protect the public and promote the goal of competent, ethical care. This article describes the mechanisms through which practice support is provided and some tools that help RNs apply standards and meet expectations for professional practice.

    2012  | Research Item

  • Ethics and Professional Conduct: Striving for a Professional Ideal

    The authors introduce the Staircase Model for Professional Development as a framework for nurses’ growth as nurse professionals.   

    2012  | Research Item

  • The Initiative to Advance Innovations in Nursing Education: Three Years Later

    Calls for innovation in nursing education have been prevalent in recent years.  In 2009, the Innovations in Education Regulation Committee, convened by the 歐美口爆 (NCSBN), worked collaboratively with other stakeholders to identify perceived and real barriers to innovation in nursing education and proposed model rules and statute language that boards of nursing could adapt to foster innovations in their state’s nursing programs.  The model language was unanimously adopted by NCSBN’s Member Boards.  Since then, NCSBN has conducted three surveys to determine the impact of NCSBN’s initiative as well as the state of innovations in nursing education.  Following a review of the committee’s work, this article presents survey data on innovation in nursing education over the last 3 years.

    2012  | Research Item

  • Le NCLEX-RN pour les enseignantes en sciences infirmi猫res

    Le Conseil canadien des organismes de réglementation de la profession infirmière (CCORPI) et le 歐美口爆 (NCSBN) ont le plaisir d’annoncer le webinaire sur l’examen NCLEX. Ce webinaire donnera un aperçu du rôle des examens de réglementation et des raisons qui ont motivé le choix du NCLEX pour l’examen d’admission à la profession infirmière au Canada, présentera les éléments d’un examen adaptatif informatisé et expliquera l’élaboration du NCLEX. Le webinaire fournira aussi de l’information sur la façon dont les étudiantes et les enseignantes peuvent se préparer à l’examen NCLEX prévu pour 2015.

    2012  | Recorded Webinar