
Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • A Survey of Nurse Employers on the Professional and Practice Issues Affecting Nursing

    During 2009 and 2010, a survey was administered to hospital, home health, and nursing home nurse employers in the US to capture insights into the professional and practice issues affecting nursing. These key issues were identified: workforce, educational preparation, transition, and patient safety. The implications for regulators, researchers, educators, and employers are discussed.

    2011  | Research Item

  • Regulation of LPN Scope of Practice in Long-Term Care

    With changing staffing structures and persistent quality concerns in nursing homes, registered nurses are challenged to ensure that appropriate care is delivered. We describe differences in the nurse practice acts and related administrative code for all 50 states and DC for LPN delegation and supervision. Next, we explore relationships between these differences and quality measures from CMS for US nursing homes, using 2007 data. Findings indicate that how BONs regulate LPN scope of practice is directly related to care quality.

    2011  | Research Item

  • Linking Nursing Work Environment and Patient Outcomes

    A cross-sectional secondary data analysis was conducted linking nursing work environment data from a 2004 survey of 633 nurses in 71 hospitals in North Carolina and Illinois to hospital-level patient outcomes data based on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality inpatient quality indicators and patient safety indicators. Nurses' job demands and schedules are associated with selected patient outcomes and should be considered as modifiable working conditions, along with staffing, to improve patient care.

    2011  | Research Item

  • Alabama Consumers' Views of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

    The primary purpose of boards of nursing is public protection, but few boards have conducted research with the public's input. This article provides results of a study conducted by the Alabama Board of Nursing regarding the views of 600 consumers on advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Less than 20% of participants knew the agency responsible for regulating APRNs, but the expectations for public safety were explicit regarding preparation for practice and competence.

    2011  | Research Item

  • Graduate Nursing Programs for Non-Nurses: A National Perspective

    This study represents an initial attempt at exploring the characteristics of graduate programs in nursing for non-nurses (GPNNNs), their students, and real and potential regulatory concerns. The variability in the required number of credits alone is a prompt for educators to examine the most efficient path to a graduate degree for non-nurses. Further, those involved in the design, implementation, and regulation of these programs and the students need to consider the actual and potential regulatory issues that can surface when students without a nursing degree are permitted or required to take the NCLEX after completing pregraduate nursing courses.

    2011  | Research Item

  • NCSBN National Simulation Study Overview

    Learn more about NCSBN's landmark, national, multi-site, longitudinal study of simulation use in prelicensure nursing programs throughout the country. The study will begin Fall 2011 and will follow beginning nursing students from 10 participating schools throughout their nursing education.

    2011  | Video

  • 2011 NCLEX Pass Rates

    Summary data for multiple categories of candidates, U.S. and international, is provided for performance on NCSBN's two nurse licensure examinations, the NCLEX-PN and NCLEX-RN.

    2011  | Publications

  • 2011 RN Practice Analysis: Linking the NCLEX-RN Examination to Practice (Vol. 53)

    This periodic performance of practice analyses (i.e., job analysis) studies assists NCSBN in evaluating the validity of the test plan that guides content distribution of the licensure examination. Because changes can occur in registered nurse (RN) practice, practice analyses are conducted on a three-year cycle.

    2011  | Exams Research

  • 2011 NCLEX Fact Sheet

    Fact sheets provide volume and pass rate data for both U.S. and international candidates. Information is provided for performance on NCSBN's two nurse licensure examinations, the NCLEX-PN and NCLEX-RN.

    2011  | Publications

  • Spring 2011 Leader to Leader

    • Barbara Bowers of the University of Madison-Wisconsin describes the nurse residency program designed to attract RNs to long-term care
    • NCBSN announces plans to promote the adoption of the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation
    • Betsy J. Houchen of the Ohio Board of Nursing and Sandra Beidelschies of the Ohio Organization of Nurse Executives (OONE) Legislative and Practice Committee discuss the work of the OONE in developing consensus around nursing regulation, education and practice that laid the groundwork for Ohio’s participation in the NCSBN Transition to Practice Study

    2011  | Magazines

  • Fall 2011 Leader to Leader

    Topics in this issue include:

    • Mindy Schaffner of the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, provides readers with valuable insight into the world of nursing regulation
    • Explore NCSBN’s social media guidelines
    • Learn about NCSBN’s Simulation Study and Transition to Practice Study
    • NCSBN Learning Extension releases the new course, “Righting a Wrong: Ethics and Professionalism in Nursing”
    • Jessica L. Kamerer, Francis T. Brophy III and Joseph A. Corvino of Lancaster General College of Nursing & Health Sciences discuss their development of short, e-learning modules called simulation learning interactive modules (SLIMs) to better prepare students for simulation sessions

    2011  | Magazines

  • 歐美口爆's Transition-To-Practice Regulatory Model (Chapter 10)

    This chapter gives an overview of NCSBN’s Transition to Practice model.

    2011  | Research Item