
Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • Interprofessional collaboration: A nursing perspective. (Chapter 6)

    The book addresses the importance of interprofessional collaboration, while this chapter presents interprofessional collaboration from a nursing standpoint.  While this may seem counterintuitive, it is understood that each discipline approaches collaboration from its own perspective, and understanding these perspectives is crucial to the success of interprofessional collaboration.

    2009  | Research Item

  • Regulation Fosters Innovations in Nursing Education

    Because of the complexities in nursing and healthcare delivery and a national focus on patient safety, there has been a call across nursing organizations and healthcare organizations for more innovation in nursing and healthcare education.  The 歐美口爆 held an invitational roundtable, involving representatives from nursing education organizations, boards of nursing, the American Nurses Association, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  Topics of discussion included the meaning and implications of innovation in nursing education, perceived barriers to innovation, and the future of innovation.  This article summarizes the outcomes of the roundtable’s discussion.

    2009  | Research Item

  • Clinical Education and Regulation (Chapter)

    This chapter explores in detail the regulatory perspective on clinical education in nursing and why boards of nursing take the position that nursing programs need to provide supervised clinical experiences for their students.  Some of the myths about regulatory barriers are dispelled, and some of the differences among boards are discussed.  Current issues, such as the regulatory perspective on simulation in prelicensure programs and the use of exit exams are also explored.  The importance of the collaboration between education, practice and regulation is integrated throughout.

    2009  | Research Item

  • 2009 NCSBN Annual Report

    This annual report functions as a formal summary of NCSBN’s performance and activities during fiscal year 2009. It also provides financial information, NCLEX pass rates, member achievements and NCSBN facts.

    2009  | Publications

  • Developing and Evaluating Innovative Items for the NCLEX, Part 2: Item Characteristics and Cognitive Processing

    Reprint from Nurse Educator, 34(3), 2009

    2009  | Publications

  • Memorability of Innovative Items

    Reprint from CLEAR Exam Review, 20(1), 2009

    2009  | Publications

  • Readability of Licensure Examinations

    Reprint from CLEAR Exam Review, 20(1), 2009

    2009  | Publications

  • Evaluating Innovative Items for the NCLEX, Part 1: Usability and Pilot Testing

    Reprint from Nurse Educator, 34(2), 2009

    2009  | Publications

  • NCLEX Pass Rates: An Investigation Into the Effect of Lag Time and Retake Attempts

    Reprint from JONA Healthcare Law, Ethics and Regulation, 11(1), 2009

    2009  | Publications

  • A Minimum English Proficiency Standard for the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT)

    A research brief highlighting the 歐美口爆 (NCSBN®) 2009’s initiative to determine a passing standard for nurses on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet Based Test (TOEFL® iBT).

    2009  | Publications

  • Comparison of Tuning Competencies to U.S. National Accepted Competencies

    This paper compares the European Tuning model of nursing education with : AACN's Baccalaureate Essentials; NCLEX Activity Statements; NLN Associate Degree Competencies, and the QSEN Competencies.

    2008  | Papers

  • Transition Evidence Grid

    This report is a companion to the Transition to Practice Report. This is a comprehensive report of all the evidence identified by the Transition to Practice Committee that is relevant to a regulatory transition model. This report was adopted by the May, 2008 NCSBN Board of Directors.

    2008  | Papers